We are dedicated to extraordinary customer service. For this reason, we have added the option of checking out as a guest to our website. When checking out as a guest, please know that you will not be able to log in to view any tracking information or previous orders (as an account has not been created). Once you have created an account you will not be able to use guest checkout in the future.
We wouldn’t have it any other way. All www.skyseaspices.com transactions take place on a secure server. Your information is encrypted before it is sent through the Internet. Of course if you still don’t feel comfortable entering your credit card information online, no problem – just give us a call +91 9625 519375 and we will gladly take your order over the phone.
We know that this is a very sensitive issue for our customers, and the ensuing trust that you are placing with us is very important. To see our complete Privacy Policy please click here.
Satisfying customers is absolutely our top priority. That’s why we want to make sure that you are happy with each purchase you make with us. We so strongly believe in the quality of our products that if you decide you are unsatisfied with even a single item in your order, you can contact us and we will work with you.
No, our physical address is where our warehouse and shipping facility is located, but there is no store front. We try our best to provide our customers with outstanding photos of our products on our website so that they can get an accurate view of what their spices will look like when they receive them. If you have any questions about our products, feel free to contact us.
Spices get a longer shelf life when they are stored in ideal conditions. The best conditions include storing in dark, dry, and cool locations with limited exposure to sunlight, moisture, and heat. It is best to avoid shaking spices into steaming pots as the moisture and steam from the cooking pot will enter the spices and lead to the growth of bacteria and mold in the spices.
The best use by date will be on the label of the spices. As SkySea Spices delivers the freshest spices, they last for a longer time and retain their flavor. They have to be stored in a cool, dry place.
Spices should be used with discretion and as per the recipe only. Not too much or too little. However, you can use it according to your taste preference. The spices should compliment your dish without overpowering it. Black pepper, granulated garlic, salt and crushed chillies are great for seasoning after cooking.
Yes you can make unique combinations of fresh spices as per the recipe or your own inclination. Dry spice powders to can be combined according to the recipe to make masala powers.
Call us: +91 9625 519375
Mail Us: office@skyseaspices.com